Friday, January 20, 2012

Fun Summer Weather Facts from

Now that we have lots of snow here in Naperville, we have some fun facts about summer weather from The Weather Channel. Let's think warm thoughts!
  • The average warmest month is July (83°F is the average high temperature).
    • June's average high temperature is 80°F & August's average high temperature is 81°F.
  • The highest recorded temperature was 105°F in 1995.
  • The maximum average precipitation occurs in August (4.34 inches).

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Take look at our new Summer Camp Promo Video on YouTube

We made a 3 minute video clip on YouTube showcasing all the fun we're going to have this summer in Naperville, IL! Check it out below!

The start of camp, June 11th, is only 144 days away and we have so much fun planned out for the summer of 2012. Check out our camp calendar! You'll see we have fun field trips scheduled such as Funway Entertainment Center, Lincoln Park Zoo, & Six Flags Great America every Monday and Wednesday!  Every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday we're going swimming at some really great water parks like Country Springs at Turtle Splash Water Park.
If your children are not signed up yet what are you waiting for? A sensational summer experience awaits. Register online today!